Compañia Express started in 2023 and is a collaboration between Estefania Flores (Mexico) and Jannick Lüthi (Switzerland).
It is driven by the vision and professional commitment of two young acrobats who seek new forms of expression, new scenic spaces and easy access to contemporary circus for the greatest possible diversity of people.
The company is based in Sant Pol de Mar, Catalonia.

Detectives without much investigative ability unfold a whole range of skills in a continuous passage from one absurdity to another. Two trench coats, an arrow, a horse, tango in capillary suspension, many accidents, juggling and a piñata.
From beginning to end, "INKOGNITO" makes you participate in their camouflaged games, with which you will not know whether to hold your breath or laugh.


30 - Grau de Circ - Castellón
7 - Festes del Remei - Arenys de Munt
11 - Fira Trepezi - Reus
24/25 - Festival Imaginarius - Santa Maria da Feira
8 - Fira artesanal - Sant Cebria de Vallalta
29 - Festa Major Infantil de Terrassa - Terrassa
2 - Plaza Major - Palencia
9 - Juliol Circense - Valls
10 - Hospitalet de l`Infant
13 - Festival al Ras - Berguedà
18 - Festival Fresques - Torelló
27 - La Figuerosa
3 - Ocupar a Velga - Sazes de Beira
5 - Festa Major d`Estiu - Font Picant Argentona
10 - Micro! Festival - Dortmund
17/18 - Brückensensationen - Rheinfelden
24 - Grabefescht - Zollikofen
31 - Hansefestival - Korbach
1 - Hansefestival - Korbach
6/7/8 - StraMu Würzburg - Würzburg
12 - Festival La Terrasseta - Tarragona
21/22/24 - Barcelona
4/5 - FIC Festival Internacional Clownbaret - Tenerife
13/14 - Teatro Narciso Ferreira - Portugal

+34 644 59 59 71